Posts Tagged ‘aluminium

The Chain Mail T-Shirt

28, Aug 2007


This Chain Mail T-Shirt is honest-to-goodness real metal chain mail hand forged by dwarfs in forbidden mines near the center of the earth and delivered to the ThinkGeek warehouse by shrieking black apparitions in the dead of night. Its bright shine and relatively light-weight comes from its anodized aluminum construction. It’s appropriate protective wear for most occasions including office meetings and parties you would rather not have attended.


The ThinkGeek Chain Mail T-Shirt is real chain mail, made from thousands of anodized aluminum rings. This makes the shirt fairly light (for chain mail) at around 20 pounds. But keep in mind that the aluminum rings can be bent and come uncoupled if you don’t take care with the garment. There is a small bag of extra rings that you can easily bend into place with needle nose pliers if any repairs are needed.

The Chain Mail T-Shirt is available in medium and large sizes and is priced at $99.99.

If you want to get yourself one of these unique T-Shirts…
