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Tux Droid is a wireless programmable robot specifically designed for the Linux platform, it provides the Linux user with a new way to access the digital world without sitting in front of his computer. Looking as a cute penguin resembling the Linux mascot, Tux Droid reacts to PC events and talks in more than 10 different languages. Based on the widgets principle, Tux Gadgets are mini-applications that reside on users desktops and delivers a variety of personalized information such as email, weather forecast, horoscope, media player, news, games, quizz etc. through Tux Droid. The Gadgets are easily accessible with the remote control. In order to manage easily the different gadgets, Kysoh has also developed a graphical interface called Tux Gadgets Manager. These gadgets are developed in a TGF (Tux Gadget Format) format, made in the spirit of ODF file and provides a wide range of actions such as: modify and configure Gadgets without any programming skills, modify easily the graphical interface to customize it or add new gadgets (available on the community website) by a simple drag and drop.
– Dimensions: 210mm x 180mm x 140mm (with lowered wings)
– Fur material: Fogging skin
– Chipsets: Atmel AVR RISC microcontrollers (code is compiled with GCC and AVR-LIBC), 4Mbits flash memory for onboard sound
– Input: Microphone, Infrared receiver, Light sensor, Push button on top of the head, Internal switch sensors in both wings that are triggered by pushing the wings, Volume control wheel, 3.5mm mono audio socket for audio in
– Output: Infrared transmitter, One blue LED in each eye, Speaker, 3.5mm stereo audio socket for audio out
– Moving parts: Eyes: open and close, Beak: open and close, Wings: raise and lower, Rotation to the left and the right
– Wireless connection: 2.4 GHz wireless full-duplex digital link between the USB dongle and Tux Droid
– Power: NiCd 750mAh battery pack with 4 AAA elements, DC-in 7,5 V for recharging of the batteries and powering from DC
The price of the Tux Droid is about $115 or 79 Euro.